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Charcoal Canister Loading Station with Butane and Gasoline

System to load charcoal canisters with butane. 4 modules to load 4 canisters at a time.
Gallery AKF (click to open)
Charcoal canister loading station with 3 modules. The canisters under test are placed on scales, the change of weight during loading and purging is recorded. Gas control of a canister loading station for 3 canisters. Gas control of a canister loading station for 3 canisters. The gas tubes leading to the canisters are heated. Canister loading station using gasoline vapours, shown are the vessels to store the fresh and the used gasoline. Canister loading station to load 1 canister with Butan ore fuel vapours. 19”-rack with the computer based control system. System designed for use in a non-hazardous area. System to load canisters with butane and gasoline vapour. One module per canister. System designed for use in explosion hazard area. Module to load one canister with butane and gasoline vapour, internal view. System designed for use in explosion hazard area.

Charcoal canisters as used in automobiles to trap and hold gasoline vapours are loaded with butane and/or gasoline vapours. The system is designed to comply with US regulations CARB and EPA and EC-Norm 98/69/EC.

The systems are designed to load and purge up to 4 canisters simultaneously performing the following tests:

  • Canister Preconditioning (1,5 x Working Capacity)
    CARB Part III D 3.3.4
    EPA §86.132-96(h)(1)
  • Canister Capacity Test (Breakthrough)
    CARB Part III D 3.3.5 (a)
    EPA §86.132-96(j)(1)
  • Canister Aging, multiple loading and purging


The canister is loaded with a Butane/N2-mixture at a ratio of 50:50. Two Mass Flow Controllers (MFC) are used to control the gas flow. These MFCs have a control range of 10 to 500 SCCM corresponding for Butane in a flow rate of 1.5 to 75 g/min with 40 g/h as the standard loading rate. Any other loading rate and gas mixture within this range can be selected. For loading with gasoline a heated bubbler is filled with gasoline. N2 is used as as a carrier gas controlled by a MFC with a flow range of 10 to 500 SCCM, bubbler temperature adjustable up to 60°C. (MFCs with other control ranges on request). A secondary charcoal canister placed on a scale. Weight increase of 2 grams detects the breakthrough of the canister under test.

Option for loading with gasoline vapours: scale for the canister under test to record the weight increase of the canister.


A venturi nozzle is used to draw ambient air through the canister. A mass flow meter at the air intake is used to measure the purge rate, range 0 to 50 SLM. The purge rate is controlled to 22,7 l/min by the amount of compressed air used to blow through the venturi nozzle. Air temperature and humidity are measured and recorded at the air intake.

Option: purge air preconditioning for a humidity range of 20 to 80% r.H.


The system is controlled by PC. The software is designed to perform all required tests in a fully automatic way and to takes all required recordings. The software is fully configured, tested and ready for use.

Safety measures:

  • Gas warning system for hydrocarbons. The number of sensors depends on number of modules or other design requirements. At 20% lower explosion level all valves will close, at 40% lower explosion level the supply power to the system will switch off.
  • Tubing for Butane and gasoline in stainless steel, compression type fittings, permanently tight.
  • A pressure drop test is performed every time a canister is connected to the system. Canister loading will start only after this test is passed
  • Systems for use with gasoline designed to be used in a explosion hazard risk area.